Several participants in the conference have pointed out to us that they received unwelcome e-mails by
The Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering
The publisher is on the list of suspicious organisations, so please
delete the e-mail.
Photos taken during the conference and the conference dinner are available in the access restricted area.
Please note that the registration is closed from this date. If you have any questions, please contact the National Organising Committee.
Your account can be reached via . Please remember to upload your manuscripts.
Please note that we have now uploaded a pdf file containing the complete booklet with [ 8,055 kb ] which you can download via the button.
Also included and available online are ...
Since we received several questions concerning your presentations, please note the following.
Since we have no option to print at the conference site, speed talk posters / posters
need to be printed out and brought to the conference by you.
For the additional 5 minute speed talk presentations, authors should prepare
a few slides using PowerPoint ®.
Manuscripts for the proceedings can be uploaded in your account. It is possible to upload text files such as PDF, DOC(X) or TXT. If you need to upload several files, you can upload those as ZIP or RAR.
Full paper upload open.
For the Conference Proceedings, full papers are required. Please use the upload option in your account to upload your full paper(s) for your ocntributions.
Submission closed.
Please note that submission of posters has been closed. Submission of full papers will be available soon to everyone who has submitted a talk, speed talk, or poster.
Please note that the preliminary conference programme is finished and will be published on this website in May. We apologize for the delay. Each contributor who handed in an abstract will receive an e-mail informing him/her about acceptance/refusal of the contribution.
Please also note that we had to move forward the registration date. Late registration will therefore be from 16 July 2016 - 25 August 2016
Please note that we have closed the submission of talks and speed talks for the upcoming Birdnumbers2016 conference.
Submission of posters will still be open until july, 15th. You have -3134 days left to upload your posters.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact the National Organising Committee.
We are happy to announce the launch of the website. From now on you can register for the conference and submit contributions. Please drop by from time to time to find the latest news. For any comments feel free to contact the National Organising Committee.
The mobile version is optimised for modern browsers such as Chrome or Firefox.